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Chapter 5


5.0 Real-world sources
5.1 Bandwidth identification
5.2 Algorithm modification

5.0 Real-world sources

By examination, it is evident that in current auralization algorithms, the computation time is independent of the characteristics of the source. A complex sound requires the same processing time as a simple sound, or even a period of silence. It is here we find the first optimization to explore: source- dependent algorithms.

In auralization systems, a great deal of effort is given to accurate localization of sound sources. Rarely, however, are such systems called upon to place a broad bandwidth sound. When such occasions do occur, it is questionable whether pinpoint spatial accuracy is necessary. As an example, consider that most naturally occurring sounds which emanate from a single point in space (speech, animal vocalizations, etc.) are limited to a relatively small bandwidth, typically a few thousand Hertz. Sources which maintain large bandwidth for an extended period of time (such as an orchestra) produce sound from numerous spatial positions, presenting a diffuse general perception of location. There are some sounds, such a drum, which nominally have a large bandwidth yet present a localized origin. On further examination, however, it is apparent that the wide spectral content attributed to such sounds are primarily due to the impulse caused by a sharp attack transient. Once this transient has passed, the sound settles into a more band-limited range.

The following algorithm is a first attempt at dynamic allocation of resources to match the spectral content and psychoacoustic "importance" of source signals.

5.1 Bandwidth identification

There are several methods available to identify spectral content in the upper frequency ranges. One direct approach is to implement an FFT and evaluate the magnitude response in the high frequencies. Another approach is to use a high-pass time domain filter, and evaluate the magnitude of the remaining signal. For this project, the FFT approach was adopted. A 256-point FFT was computed every 4096 samples to re-evaluate the bandwidth of the signal. The computation interval of this evaluation is open to manipulation; it exerts an direct effect on the execution time of the algorithm. However, decreasing the rate at which frequency snapshots are taken will reduce the system's ability to react quickly to changes in spectral content.

5.2 Algorithm modification

Once the bandwidth of the signal is known, the algorithm switches between two states. The first state, when the bandwidth of the signal is high, operates at a full 44.1 kHz sampling frequency but uses a 225 point approximation of the HRTF, effectively halving the "accuracy" of the filter, while also reducing our computation by half. The second state, for low bandwidth signals, cuts the sampling frequency in half (only processes every other incoming signal), which results in a 225 point sub-sampled HRTF. The output uses linear interpolation to upsample back to the original frequency. Because the signal was determined to have little high-frequency content, the aliasing introduced by this sample rate conversion was negligible. The overall result of this optimization is a reduction in computation by nearly a factor of four (halving the length of an FIR quarters the time required to process it) at a cost of a FFT performed at adjustable intervals. Examining the complexity of the algorithms:

A straight N-point FIR convolution is of order

Cutting the resolution in half results in order

The M-point FFT adds a MlogM term every 4 cycles, so the total order is

Since M and N are known for this case (M = 256, N=450), we can directly compute the approximate number of operations for each algorithm. For the straight convolution, the number of operations needed to process 450 samples is

For the optimized algorithm, the necessary number of operations drops to

which is very nearly a factor of four. The implications of this savings are tremendous; four times the number of sources may be computed with the same resources, or three indirect reflections may be computed for each source (see section 8.2).
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Frank Filipanits Jr. - franko@alumni.caltech.edu